Monday, June 06, 2005

Apple to announce Intel 'Switch'

I am happy that one day my dream of working in "MAC O/S" will finally come true.

Apple Computer will announce its own 'Switch' campaign today, migrating away from the PowerPC architecture that has served it for a decade.Motorola's chips have been at the heart of Apple's systems since the Apple II launched with the 6502 inside, and the company has used traditionally this as a differentiator.Motorola failed to keep its G4 processor architecture competitive, obliging Apple to overclock the chip, removing its power efficiencies.

Intel's Centrino processor, a chip based on the Pentium III core which dynamically regulates its clock speed from 300Mhz up according to system demand, finally gives Apple an alternative.

Once again time for Microsoft to look at markets in a different way. Atleast MAC OS should provide us hussle free operating comfort.

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