Monday, July 11, 2005


Key Points from the Article

1)"To be competitive, they have to adapt to the changing landscape." Microsoft's commitment to Walker's product, now called DotNetNuke, underscores an ongoing shift in Microsoft's stance toward open source.
2)Chief Executive Steve Ballmer once famously called Linux and the open-source philosophy a "cancer." Now it's a fact of life in the software business.
3)In the past few months, the company has committed to working with open-source products--to a point--and shown a willingness to adopt aspects of the open-source development model
4) Over the past year, Microsoft has also released a number of development tools with their source code--a practice the company said it intends to continue and expand.
5) Ballmer has even changed the rhetoric: "We compete with products. We don't compete with movements,"
6)The impact of open source on the software infrastructure arena, including server and programming software, has been dramatic. Linux server revenue is growing faster than Windows.
7)The open-source industry has matured and become more commercial, which has helped crystallize who Microsoft's competitors are.

A very very positive note on the values of open source and its impact on Microsoft. Its a cunning move by people @ MSFT where they try to pinpoint the weakness of open source products through there movements.


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