Thursday, July 07, 2005

Google faces strict competition in China

Source: Silicon Valley

Google has long wanted to expand in China. And the question of its Chinese strategy is now becoming more urgent, as one of China's leading search engines, Baidu, gets ready to go public. China's search advertising market is growing rapidly. And homegrown Baidu reportedly has a leading position among search users, even if it faces competition from at least seven other players.

Google has a more uncertain position in China, and it has long grappled with the fickle ways of the Chinese market. Google's site was shut down several times a few years ago by censor-prone Chinese authorities.
Google spokeswoman Debbie Frost would not comment on Google's strategy in China, nor about the rumors of a Baidu acquisition. "Google is interested in China and is working to learn more about the Chinese market''.

This is a very very clear indication of Google losing its major share to Chinese Major. It wont take much more time for other search engines to overtake Google in the near future. Wake up Google (Larry Page).

Category: Search Engines and Google

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