Friday, December 24, 2004

Opera Tackles Voice Browsing and RSS in Latest Beta Release
Opera Software ASA unveiled Thursday a beta test version of its next Web browser release that features speech recognition, discovery of news feeds and automatic Web-page resizing. While the next release had been on track to be Version 7.60, the Oslo, Norway, company announced a change in plans. It is retooling the version to be more than an update, which will include a yet-to-be-determined name, said Jon von Tetzchner, Opera's chief executive officer.
With FireFox gaining a major market share, I think its a really tough time for Opera which has made it to come up with its very new version. Though it provides hefty of services already availabe its still in its amateur stage in competing with the open source king FireFox which provides the most needed Anti Spam blocking aids. Wats Opera's part in antispam is the real question.

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