"As the mailbox storage space rivalry continues, Hotmail has now begun upgrading the email account of its users". According to reports the upgrade will be in a phased manner, beginning from the United States and Europe, and later moving on to other regions. However, users acquiring new accounts will initially get 25 MB storage space in their mailbox, which will be upgraded to 250 MB after 30 days. This policy, according to Microsoft, is to ensure that the accounts are being created by genuine users and not spammers.
Its a very bright intiative from Microsoft, which shld help it to retain its consumer base. With Firefox constantly increasing its hold of browser market, Linux slowly taking its head, Google being an Mecca for Search Engines, Microsoft shld swiftly react to the major blow from its most dominant competors. Its the QoS tht matters much than the storage space and Microsoft shld provide some good protection from the major headache spam's!!!!
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